Hi, I’m new to plugins in UE4, i’m following a book on building a simple plugin. For the plugin i created a new Header file in visual studio by adding it directly to the Plugins->Source->Public folder. In the header file i included a UCLASS() in the following code
#pragma once
#include "CoreMinimal.h"
#include "ModuleManager.h"
#include "PowerUpObject.generated.h"
class POWERUPPLUGIN_API UPowerUpObject : public UObject
I get an error message Cannot open source file .generated.h, and the generated header file doesnt show up in intellisense either. I’ve tried generating the project files with UENUMS, UCLASS to no avail. I’ve tried deleting Build, Binaries, .vs, Saved, Debug, Intermediate also to no avail. I’ve tried Rebuilding the solution and Engine which hasn’t worked.
Whats odd is that the first time i generated the project files it worked and the generated file was included, but when i came back today it had stopped working.
Any help would be great,
Thanks, Jamie.