Cannot open any projects

I cannot open any projects including blank projects. I open my project, it loads to 96% and then minimizes. When I go into task manager it says that UE4 is not responding. I’ve asked for help on the GameDev.Tv forum but no one could solve my problem. Here is the link to the discussion: I am unable to open the bull cows game - Ask - Please may someone help me.

first, create a simple project c++ and open it, or if you using a blueprint version first “Generate Visual Studio Project Files”.
now add your stuff I hope it will solve your problem.

Hi, thank you for your response but I cannot even open a blank project.

Hopefully this is helpful. Here is what the task manager looks like when I open a project:

And here is what it looks like after a few seconds:

Do you have minimum system requirements?

Can you try this:

  1. Open Epic Games Launcher
  2. Go to Library
  3. Under the latest version number you are using, click the down arrow. (Next to the word Launch)
  4. Click on the “Verify” item
  5. This will take some time, try opening your project afterwards.

If this didn’t work, I would uninstall the engine version I am using and reinstall. If blank projects aren’t opening, then there’s something wrong with the UE4 install. Perhaps also try a newer version of UE4 and see what is different.

What is that?

Thank you but unfortunately nothing worked.

I don’t know if this answers your question but I have AMD Ryzen 5 1600, AMD Radeon 6450 and 16gb RAM at 3200mhz

That should really be enough for Unreal Engine 4.

Is it possible that my graphics card is causing this?