Cannot multiply a vector and float

I’ve been looking so long for it having it under my nose, so to say :slight_smile:

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Thank you, I was banging my head against the wall trying to figure out how to divide a vector 2d by a float and UE5 saying a float real is not compatible with a vector2d using the divide function. but now I’ve disabled type promotion i can see vector2d/float.

our lord and savior

I’ve been searching an hour for this…it’s ALWAYS SOMETHING STUPID!!! hahahahah

Thanks so much :slight_smile:

After reading about the conversion thing, it was clear and I tried forcing the return value directly on the pin and it’ll convert, even more easily.

Tutorials are saved! Tx eb that helped.

Oh, my! Thank you!

OMG thankyou …

Thank you so much:))))

Disable type promotion in editor preferences

You, sir, are a Godsend!

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+1 so more people find this answer

If you try to multiply a vector, it will expect another vector, however you can right click on the other input in multiply node and on the bottom you can change the type. So you can multiply a vector with a float but you have a couple of extra things to do.

Hopefully Unreal makes this easier.

Perfect, super helpful! Thank you!


Thank you for sharing this! This seems to be the best solution.

He say Vector2D not Vector3D