Cannot modify sound volume in animation notify

Hi guys

I’m currently working on a global volume control in UE4, using a slider to select the volume to modify.

I managed to modify the ambient sounds and the sounds from the player character, so it’s ok about this, but the real issue comes out when i tried to modify other sounds in the game, particularly about the notify sounds placed in the animations.

Unfortunately, I cannot see any way to interact with the volume of these sounds, as there’s nothing to bind it to a new blueprint code to get the global volume of the game.

Do you guys have any idea of something to override the volume sets, or do I really need to incorporate the sounds elsewhere with a blueprint part ?

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Hey DyingRace,

Here is the audio documentation, which I am linking to you so you can understand what Sound Classes and Sound Mixes are.

By default, there are the following Sound classes, located in Engine Content:

  • Master
  • Music
  • SFX
  • Normal_Attack
  • Special_Attack_PSM
  • Voice

To be honest, I don’t think you need to worry about Normal_Attack or Special_Attack_PSM, if you don’t want to. I see the rest as important for any game.

Next, by default, the hierarchy of audio control is as follows:

  • Master
  • → Music
  • → SFX
  • → Voice

This means that if you adjust the Master volume, the rest are affected as well. If you adjust say, SFX, Music and Voice don’t care, only SFX will change.

To start, you’ll need to go to the Sound Cue or Sound Wave files and set thier Sound Class to what sound class you want - from the list above. Double click them in the Content Browser to open them. If you don’t see them in the drop down for Sound Class, select View Options from the drop down and choose, “Show Engine Content”.

You will also need to create a Sound Mix class. I chose to create a mix for each Sound Class. In this example, I called mine “AT_SFX”, keeping everything default. With that made, open the Sound Class you chose, located in Engine Content, in my case SFX, and assign the first element of the “Passive Sound Mix Modifiers” to the “AT_SFX” Sound Mix.

Finally, you can manipulate the volume for these with the following Blueprint:

As you can see, the “In Sound Mix Modifier” is the “AT_SFX” Sound Mix class and the “In Sound Class” is the Sound Class whos volume you want to change. In my case, SFX.

With this, I can swap the volume from 0 to 1 with the key press of T. For you, you should look into having a volume variable, probably for each Sound Class, including one for Master. With that you should be able to adjust volume for the sound used in Anim Notifies.

You are able to do this in the Game Mode Blueprint as well.

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Hello, it worked fine for me! Thank you!
But there is still a little problem, the Sound class properties apply a bit late, I had to apply a delay in my cue to reduce the problem. I’m on UE5.3.1.
For the 2 first steps of my character, the class doesn’t apply, and if he jumps, same problem happens (fixed with the delay).

Do you know why and what could help in a more elegant way?