Cannot Modify Canvas

Hello there,
I have a weird issue with UE5(built from source)
1- the details section is blank even though it should have variables in it
2- I cannot drag and drop anything in the canvas area, and the canvas is blank as you can see
3- i can drag and drop widgets to the hierarchy but it suffer from 1 and 2

this issue applies to old or new blueprints, old blueprints works fine regardless of this issue but i’m unable to make anything new, or make modification to old ones!

I have been using this version of the engine for months now, and i didnt make any modification to the engine since!

After few testing i found that if the widget inherit from UCBaseActivatableWidget or UCommonActivatableWidget it works fine
this is how it look like when it inherits from UCBaseActivatableWidget

but if It inherit from UCHUDWidget it doesn’t work as shown before UCHUDWidget doesn’t have any special code really

class UCBaseActivatableWidget : public UCommonActivatableWidget
/** more code**/
class UCHUDWidget : public UCBaseActivatableWidget

	UPROPERTY(meta = (BindWidget))
	UCanvasPanel* CanvasPanel;


Thanks in Advance