"Cannot Modify Built-In Engine Asset" Modeling Tool Error

Updated UE5 from 5.0.2 to 5.0.3, and the issue still occurs. Cutting/editing other grouped static and skeletal meshes work fine though, which is a bit bizarre since the Cube is the simplest static mesh there is. Any ideas?


Did you try it with a cube you made in modelling mode? ( rather than what looks like the engine cube )


Turns out that was the issue. The cube from the Engine content itself cannot be desecrated.


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It’s sacred…


Same error here. But even using a cube in modeling mode it doesn’t work.
I did solve it creating another project from zero. Fortunately all things I had were pure experimental.

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Just curios. It won’t bend 3d text either. any suggestions?

I haven’t done curved 3D text, or seen tutorial on how to do it, but I might have an idea. Does it display a “CANNOT MODIFY BUILT-IN ENGINE ASSET” error?

If so, the way I solved this issue as @ClockworkOcean suggested is to not modify items directly from the Engine content folder (Fixed it using shapes from Modeling mode).

If that’s not the issue, you should start a new topic with more details about your issue as it is a bit out of this topic’s scope (Is it part of UE5 or a separate addon/Plugin? Does it show a pop-up error, if so what does it say? etc. etc.).

Sorry if I couldn’t help further. Best of luck on your troubleshooting.

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thank you so much. I’m gonna tinker away at it. I’ll reply once I find a way! p.s on a brighter note I trouble shot another problem after a few days so I’m riding that victory for now lol

That worked, But when I try to dublicate that same cube and I cut it, it cuts all of the copied ones as well

That’s because they’re all copies of the same mesh.

If you want a cut cube, you can only place it in the scene once. Then you have to place normal cubes for all the others :slight_smile:


I solved it by using: TRANSFORM → CONVERT. After that i was able to use DEFORM etc…


is there a special menu for TRANSFORM → CONVERT?

MODELING MODE- TAB TRANSFORM - CONVERT (TRANSFORM located between deform and mesh ops



Sorry i missed the question… i guess u already know:

Modeling Mode → Transform → Convert

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If you’ve already spent the time to carefully scale, rotate, position a buit-in engine asset like a cube or whatever and you have a “doh!” moment when you try to alter the UV and Unreal says “sorry! No can do!” Do the following (note, this example is for a cube so it will say “cube” in my instructions).

  1. With that object selected, go to the top menu (top left) in Unreal and select “Actor”
  2. In that menu drop-down, choose “Convert ‘Cube’ To Static Mesh.”
  3. choose where you want to save it, then save.
  4. you have to drag that new static mesh into your scene. It won’t have your edits like scale, position, etc.

That’s it. But if you really want to save time, do these additional steps:

  1. select the unreal asset that you previously took the time to position, scale, texture, etc. and over in its Details panel (usually right side of screen) under the General tab, RIGHT click on text that says “Transform” and in that menu, choose “Copy All Properties in Category.”

  2. Now select that new static mesh that you dragged into the scene and in its Details panel, click on the word “Transform” but this time choose: “Paste All Properties in Category.”

Done. Don’t forget to delete or move the original Unreal Asset or your new static mesh will be sitting precisely on top of it and cause weird render issues.


Thanks!!It works perfectly