Cannot Launch on Device visible in Device Manager

Good Day, I’ve been banging my head for a few days on this issue. Hopefully its a simple fix. Before a MacOS update, my device (BLU-DASH-L) worked perfectly. I could launch to the device as needed. Recently however, I have had to download and install the latest CodeWorks due to errors experienced when trying to install the previous version. I am now at this point:

My device is visible in the device manager.

However, when I try to launch to it…



Nothing!!! (Including when I click Launch… no response)

What can I do to fix this? Thanks for all your help in advance.

anyone??? Please help

I am having the same problem. Anybody?

Okay I think I just figured it out but still not sure. Click the drop down arrow by the launch button and choose project launcher I think? It was the option above the device manager, you should find your device there. In my case it is my android phone.

Did you find solution?