Cannot install UE5 City Sample on external drive "nto enough space" despite having enough space

It seems that UE doesn’t know the difference between the C drive and the E drive because I wan to install sample projects but can’t due to space limitations on the C drive. There’s over 1tb of space available on the E drive where I want to install it but it refuses to do it because it thinks it doesn’t have enough space.

I have 90gb left on C drive and about 1tb available on the E drive. The project requirement is about 100gb

And the example:

I don’t know if there’s a way to change Vault folder to E:/ but it would be nice without having to change the entire unreal engine directory.

Ue5 knows the difference but it also has a “derived cache” that is on your c drive in default. You should move it.

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Hey, you can change the location of your “vault cache” in your Epic Games launcher settings (go to settings, scroll down and you find something like vault location,…)… to a different location, without the need to reinstall unreal engine etc.
It’s actually independent from your UE directory.

The vault cache is simply put… a cache, where your downloaded stuff is stored, so you don’t need to re download let’s say assets everytime you want them in different projects…

On the other hand,… the “derived cache” of the actual engine is something totally different from the vault cache :wink:


Awesome thanks!

OMG it saved me!

so when the vault cache done , it keeps saying no storage in (c) for the copy files, so I don’t know man I change it from Epic settings but it’s still an issue, it seems like it has 2 different fils, the vault cache and the project itself , and I don’t know how to find the settings for the project location.

You can literally move your projects folder to another drive
and open a few using a double click in explorer on the project
unreal should find the new folder
you can change the vault cache location in settings
you can even put the vc on an external and just load it when you need it.
the ddc can also be moved to another drive
on my C: drive is only the engine,
the ddc, vc, and vaultcache are all on different drives