Cannot IMPLEMENT basic Bleuprint interface - can only INHERIT - what's the difference?


I’m using UE 5.1 on Windows 10

I have created a basic and empty Blueprint Actor Class and a basic Blueprint Interface.

I want to IMPLEMENT the interface in my BP class - but I cannot - the “Add” pulldown menu is missing - I can only choose to INHERIT the interface - why does that happen and is inheriting interface the same as implementing?

I believe you can implement the function by right clicking?


Later, you can inherit from this actor, and the child blueprints will already have the interface included.

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Ah - sorry, let me take another look…

Yes, it lives in the inherited list for some reason. Bit strange :slight_smile:

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@ClockworkOcean my point exactly - I wonder if that will not be a problem further down the line if I use the INHERITED interface rather than the IMPLEMENTED one…?

Definitely not, I’ve done it :slight_smile:


This is a UI bug with a target fix for UE5.2


@Everynone thanks for clarifying this!!!

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