Cannot get rid of component even with rebuild.

So, I’m at my wits end and am about ready to throw in the towel. I have a cpp file that is an ACharacter with a blueprint based on that. I had a USkeletalMeshCompontent that I removed (it was an extra component I added that is no longer needed).

I deleted Build, Intermediate and saved as usual. Rebuilt the project with the editor closed, and the USkeletalMeshCompontent is still there. No matter what I do, it’s still there. WTF!!! It’s not in the source code, but yet persists in the blueprint. If I create a new blueprint from the cpp class, it’s still there! How is this possible when it doesn’t exist in code? I tried reparenting the BP but it’s still there.

It won’t go away… I’m using Rider and UE5.3. Is Rider the problem? I’m out of ideas at this point and am frankly starting to get ■■■■■■ off. Thanks in advance!

Is it staying in a persistent object saved in the level?

Sometimes if you extensively change the code or blueprint of an object, you have to replace it in the level. The saved version becomes corrupt.

Thanks for your reply! I think your right, the saved blueprint was corrupted possibly. It fixed itself the next day though…

I think the editor has an issue with updating references when certain things change. Partly why we have to restart the editor sometimes. Or deleting the usual Binaries, Intermediate, etc. I have to imagine it’s a nightmare for the editor devs to handle all of that in code/memory. Not to mention some things that cannot be directly referenced or updated easily.

Patience is seems is indeed a virtue. Especially with the editor :slight_smile: