Cannot get my NPC's "Look At" animation to work properly

I have a first person game where you can interact with NPCs. On interaction they are supposed to rotate their heads to look at you.

I exported my base NPC mesh from Blender as .obj, rigged it with Mixamo and imported it into UE5. The idle and walk animations work without issues, but when I try to insert a “Look At” node inside the AnimGraph of my idle animation, the NPC head tilts downwards as shown in the image below.

If I play the game and interact with an NPC, the head starts tilted, then slowly rotates until it reaches the correct angle (towards my FPS camera component).

I assumed it was a problem with the X,Y,Z axes orientation on my skel mesh, so I tried reimporting the mesh over and over and messed around with the import settings but nothing solved the issue.

Any help?