Cannot get Mesh of USkeletalComponent

I have a third person Character. I want to attach an ActorComponent to my Character.

In ActorComponent.cpp

I want to get the rootComponent(or simply the character itself) of the Actor its attached to.
Then I want to get the SkeletalMesh and from this I want to get the AnimInstance .

So my code looks like this:

//AActor * rootComponent = GetOwner();

ACharacter* myCharacter = Cast<ACharacter>(GetOwner());
USkeletalMeshComponent* CharacterMesh = GetMesh();

UAnimationInstance * AnimationInstance = Cast<UAnimationInstance>(
	check(AnimationInstance != nullptr);
	auto Mesh = CharacterMesh;

Thats the error I get:

      use of undeclared identifier 'GetMesh'; did you mean 'GetDesc'?
        USkeletalMeshComponent* CharacterMesh = GetMesh();
      'GetDesc' declared here
        virtual FString GetDesc() { return TEXT( "" ); }
      no viable conversion from 'FString' to 'USkeletalMeshComponent *'
        USkeletalMeshComponent* CharacterMesh = GetMesh();

Can someone help implement my idea. Thank you!

Thank you! This eliminated the error.

GetMesh() is not part of the class which you are trying to call it. Try this instead:

 ACharacter* myCharacter = Cast<ACharacter>(GetOwner());
 USkeletalMeshComponent* CharacterMesh = myCharacter->GetMesh();