Cannot get a refference to PlayerController Blueprint

I have some customs events in the player controller blueprint that I want to acces from my BP_thirdPersonCharacter. I saw that you can use a “get player controller” node that has as input a player index, however when I do this mine has other things that make it hard for me to undertand what should I acces

Hey @Kharg3rX47! Welcome to the forum!

Well, don’t do this on the construction script, try it on BeginPlay instead.

When you say “Mine has other things that make it hard for me to understand what I should access”- Can you be more specific there?

When you say “mine” do you mean your player controller?

When you say “What I should access” can you elaborate on what you need? If you need the events on your player controller, drag from “As Player Controller” and type the name of the Event. :slight_smile:
Hope this helps, if you can get a little more specific we might be able to figure out some more specific help! :slight_smile: