Cannot generate visual studio project files. Moved Epic Games Launcher Location cannot use New UnrealVersionSelector.exe path.[UPDATED]I moved the Epic Games launcher back to it's original Install location.

I moved the epic games launcher from one drive to another. Now when I try to generate the visual studio project files windows asks me where is the .exe for the operation. Do I need to reinstall the Epic Games Launcher again then generate the visual studio project file or can I redirect the operation to the appropriate .exe in the new path? When I click open on new location of the engine version selector windows says “Invalid Command Line.” I can open the editor but I cannot generate the visual studio project files.

This is when I tried changing the path to the new location of the UnrealVersionSelector.exe It won’t work I even reinstalled the epic games launcher to no avail. If there is an alternate way to fix this issue and if anyone has had these problems be please let me know if possible. At thank you for your time in advance!


Is it possible to generate the visual studio project files with the epic games launcher being moved to a different location. At least tell me if I am screwed or not please…
I moved the Epic Games launcher back to it’s original Default install location so that I could possible generate the visual studio project files and now the engine.exe says that it cannot find any engine installation. When I switch the .uproject path to the UE4Editor.exe it opens.


I hit right click on the .exe uproject file and chose the engine version that is all I had to do.