Rider gives me lots of #include errors all over the place and im not sure why.
I have these settings disabled by default but still have the same issue
I don’t even have these options anymore.
Restarting Rider after creating the new C++ class in UE4 worked for me, though.
I can’t believe it Rider is just giving me an unknown error.
Visual Studio told me the problem and on top of that it told me the file.
Visual Studio: library/plugin “xxxx” not found in your ***.build.cs
Rider: Microsoft.MakeFile.targets(44, 5): [MSB3073] The command “…\UE_5.2\Engine\Build\BatchFiles\Build.bat **** Win64 Development -Project=“E:\ IDE\Epic Games\Projects UE*5.2**.uproject” -WaitMutex -FromMsBuild” exited with code 6.
I’m about to go back to VS.
Huh… for me - enabling those options resolved the issue.
Make sure to include Niagara module in the module that you’re using it in. Most likely it’s under YourProject/Source/YourModule/YourModule.Build.cs
public class YourModule: ModuleRules
public YourModule(ReadOnlyTargetRules Target) : base(Target)
new string[]
// Many interesting things...
// Many interesting things...