Cannot find androidmanifest.xml file in intermediate folder of unreal engine project

I was following this docs to get mixed reality capture to work on out game in unreal engine. It says to add this line-

        android:required="true" />

into the <application> tag inside androidmanifest.xml. But I cannot find this file in my intermediate folder as suggested in the unreal docs. I have packaged game once, but there is no such inside intermediate. If anyone has tried this meta’s mixed reality capture, any help is appreciated


If you can’t find the AndroidManifest.xml file in the intermediate folder of your Unreal Engine project, ensure you have packaged the project for Android by selecting “Package Project” under the “File” menu. Check the output folder, usually located at “ProjectName/Build/Android,” for the generated AndroidManifest.xml file. If it’s still missing, try rebuilding the project, review packaging logs for errors, and verify project settings under “Edit” > “Project Settings” > “Platforms” > “Android.” If issues persist, seek assistance from Unreal Engine forums or documentation for project-specific troubleshooting.

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