Not sure about UE5.0.3 but in 5.1, I’m unable to find any way to re-order variables and input output nodes on functions and I know it’s just cosmetic but those crossing wires really grind my OCD gears. I’m disliking this version more and more as I work with it.
I know all the bells and whistles like the retargeter and the EhancedInput and whatnot are the “latest and greatest” but the old and modest worked just as well for my work. I just hope someone could hammer that in my clients’ heads.
Anyways, apologies if this does exist and I’m just blind but is there any way to fix this ?
This is not intuitive at all (But once you know where it is, it’s better than the old arrows).
If you hover the part on the left of the variable, these eight dots should appear and the mouse pointer should turn into a hand, then you should be able to drag and reorder variables: