I’m currently trying to save the image and mesh of my pickup objects. I have created my own save game object with a PickupIcon and PickupMesh Tarray, of types UTexture2D and UStaticMeshComponent respectively.
When I try and compile this i get the following error.
Error C2248 ‘UTexture2D::UTexture2D’: cannot access private member declared in class ‘UTexture2D’
and the same but with UStaticMeshComponent for the other error.
I am quite new to C++ and UE4 so am probably missing something obvious but couldn’t find anything anywhere online so any help would be appreciated.
p.s. Do let me know if you need any more info as this is my first time posting on here!
The errors are telling you that you are trying to access members (functions or variables) of an object (UTexture2D) that are declared private, i.e. not allowed to be accessed from outside the class itself. Could you post some more code so we can see exactly what you’re doing?
So the code i wrote above, SaveGame->PickupIcon.Emplace(*PickupIcon); is from a function in my own class called Pickup.cpp They access an element called SaveGame which is passsed as a pointer to the function. The SaveGame has two Tarray objects as already talked about above. These are both public memebers of the UMySaveGame.h class. The PickupIcon is a pointer to a UTexture2D and is in the class PIckup.h and is a private member but it doesn’t fix the problem if i make it public. It would seem that when the Emplace function is called it is trying to access elements of the PickupIcon Utexture2d but it can’t because these are private. Although then how would it copy an UE4 inbuilt type in general and I have the same line above but for a bool variable and it works fine for that. Thanks for your help and do ask if i need to clarify anything else.