Cannot edit grass from previous session?

I may be missing something, but I cannot seem to do anything with scattered grass once I exit a session. I can edit just fine up until the point I try to revisit.

I have searched around quite a bit and have not seen anyone else talking about it.

Please help! Thanks!

Hi ,

Are you still having issues with this. I just tested and wasn't able to replicate any issues with this, and I was able to edit scattered vegetation in a previously saved session.

If it's still happening, a video demonstrating the problem might help me better understand the issue.



Have the same thing with painted grass from previous session. Next day it freeze Twinmotion process while exporting images. I tried to change dencity and remove some grass with eraser, but it did not work. So, I think there is some issue with foliage tools.

(TM community edition 2023.2 preview 1)

Hi ,

If you can submit a bug report at with the file containing this foliage, our support team can investigate further.

