Cannot edit declined listing?


There was an error in the files we submitted as a new listing, which is an easy fix. That said, the submission got declined and it seems like the listing cannot be edited and resubmitted.

It isn’t entirely efficient to have to remake a whole new listing and submission, when the fix is as simple as re-uploading corrected files.

Is it indeed the case that we cannot fix and re-submit declined listings ?



hi @RaycountStudios

Thanks for reaching out. This is correct, currently you can’t resubmit a Declined listing, however we have the intention to allow to duplicate it into a draft in the future to improve this, admittedly, not the most user friendly flow. So atm you will need to create a new listing.

However, if you feel like the Decline wasn’t correct, you can contact Fab Support to appeal it. If you are right, we has the ability to revert it from Declined back to Draft.

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