Cannot download MetaHuman for Unreal 5

Hi, I am trying to download a metahuman for Unreal 5, using the tab ‘‘MetaHuman Preset UE5’’, but it simply won’t allow me to download any content.

It constantly says that the metahuman I am trying to download is not compatible for Unreal 4, and that I need to use Bridge for Unreal 5…

What exactly does this mean? I have reinstalled the app to make sure it wasn’t a different version, made sure my epic account was associated with Unreal 5…

Other than that, I am running out of ideas…
Thank you

Hey there @4NNABERU! Welcome back to the community! So the process for downloading metahumans has changed a bit. Now you can only access them through the Bridge plugin.

First open up your Epic Games Launcher, then head over to your UE library and verify you have the bridge plugin installed and updated:


Then if it is, head into your project and open the bridge window:

Sign in on the right:

Then you can access your metahumans and also any of the presets on the left:

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Looks like I had to exit UE5, then click “installed pluggins” button under my UE version. Then the update button appeared for Quixel Bridge. Also, had to sign in to Quixel Bridge.

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