Hello all, I am having problems with letting clients possess pawns with blueprint…
In fact, I’m trying to mock up World of Warships…
I look through multiplayer live training’s sample, its procedure is like this: set up a sever-run spawn event (lets say it’s called “customeventS”), which leads to spawn pawn blueprints, and let different client’s player controller posses a pawn.
In the player controller blueprint, pass its controller instance as controller id to the “customeventS”. (In this case it is called Respawn Player Event)
Therefore, if we run 2 clients instance on a computer, each client will trigger the "“customeventS” so they can possess a pawn.
So this is how I set up for my controller and game mode.
Put four player start in to the scene
In the player controller bp, cast to the custom game mode, and call its server only function
In the custom game mode, create the custom server only event, and pass the controller ID to the possess function…
But when I hit play, it’s like this…
Only spawn a default camera at the default position…It has the warnings in the log, but I do not understand what do they mean.
In single player, it is like this…
I just set the auto possess then it go through it well, but not in multiplayer…
Am I missing something here? It’s so frustrating…