I’m having a bit of a problem and after searching the forum and googling the issue Im still nowhere the solution.
The situation is simple: I have a AI character (simple behaviour tree: Random location until it will see the player and follow him)
When the traceline (from shooting the gun) hit the AI character it does 10 DMG, AI character have 50. So after that I simulate physics to get the ragdoll.
The Behaviour tree is still executed and it still follows the player as ghost, with colisions still active like here in the picture:
You need a target for destroy actor, pull out from target and just get a reference to self, looking deeper into it now i just realized it does say self
Okay so i did a little test, Destroy actor should be working, i don’t know that you need “DetachFromControllerPendingDestroy” , it shoudnt even do the Set SimulatePhysics with the destory node before it so this is a little strange, is there a spot in the Behavior tree where you also tell it to simulate physics?
When you look at that graph while playing does the execution line light up when ai dies?
Also what Bp is that? the controller? do the any damage stuff from the pawn/character itself if its not running the execution line
There’s a node i think its called FinishAbort for behavior trees if you want it to stop sliding the body across the floor and still chasing you
Strange thing, I tested your propsal and it started to work… Whats more, i restarted the Unreal and now it works even without targeting ‘self’… Now the actor is destored
Many thanks for the quick answer !
And for curious ones - That was on 5.4.1 version.
The BP was from the AI character itself. Its the first time that i was calling the simulate physics ( I just noticed that I did it twice by accident, anyway it was not working with one as well)
Right on, glad changing the order worked, welcome to the forums and all that, please don’t forget to mark as answer makes people more likely to help the newer folks : )