Cannot create classes when the game mode is a native class

What hinders you to create a Gamemode Class?

Hi y’all. I recently attempted to make a game mode under my Level Blueprint, but the button to do so was greyed out with “cannot create classes when the game mode is a native class” written over it.
Does anyone know what does this means, and how I work around it? Thanks

Whoops, I mean Game State. I’m following a tutorial that’s having me make a Game State.

Hi! Your custom game mode class should be a child of AGameModeBase class!

Hello, could you elaborate on this? I’m still kind of learning the fundamentals of Unreal, so I’m not really familiar with terms like AGameModeBase and so on.

The thing is that you should inherit from base class, that is AGameModeBase. Can you share your .h file for your custom game mode?

No, that’s the thing. Unreal isn’t letting me make a game mode. Like I’ve said in the original post, the button is greyed out with “cannot create classes when the game mode is a native class” over it. I physically have no files to share.

Maybe you can Screenshot that? One more thing - is it the same in new default project (for example, third person template)?

hello I have the same problem can you help me please

For non-programmer:
The original gamemode, as you can see in the last image, is a class in C++.
You can’t edit that.

You have to create a new game mode simply starting from this base:
right click in the folder you want to create it, select “blueprint class”, in the search bar just write “game mode” to highlight all class with a similar name, found the one you are using actually, select.
Choose a name (usually BP_OldName or GM_OldName) and choose this game mode in the project settings.
After selecting it you can change all game mode classes.