Cannot compile UNavigationSystem in 4.20.1

Hey guys, I’ve tried searching all morning but can’t find a way to find the navigation system after going to 4.20 and get it to compile; I used to use

UNavigationSystem * NavigationArea = UNavigationSystem::GetCurrent(GetWorld()),
and have since tried the same thing but specifying UNavigationSystemV1, as well as

UNavigationSystemV1 * NavigationArea = FNavigationSystem::GetCurrent(this).
Neither compiles, giving me a LNK2019 error. Btw, I am using

#include “Runtime/NavigationSystem/Public/AbstractNavData.h”
#include “Runtime/NavigationSystem/Public/NavigationSystem.h”

And yes, I tried using the just to see if that’d help; it runs for a split second, showed a few changes to make which I followed, and then closed automatically without doing anything. Any ideas?

You need to add the “NavigationSystem” module to your Build.cs
And to use FNavigationSystem::GetCurrent you need to specify the type

#include "NavigationSystem.h"
UNavigationSystemV1* NavigationArea = FNavigationSystem::GetCurrent<UNavigationSystemV1>(this).

And you’re sure you added “NavigationSystem” to your Build.cs modules? Because that’s the exact linker error you would get if you didn’t.

Okay, there we go. That’s what I missed; thanks.

Trying this, it still gives me the same error. I’ve attached a picture that shows the exact error message

how do you add the navigation system module to the build.cs … what would be the lines to type?

PublicDependencyModuleNames.AddRange(new string[] { “Core”, “CoreUObject”, “Engine”, “InputCore”, “NavigationSystem” });

Thanks bernhard, i actually figured it out eventually and also found another thing in my .ini file i had to change the paths as well, which i had but there was 1 elusive path i hadnt seen that was still there referencing the old system…

My problem was the missing “NavigationSystem” in the build.cs file, the same thing happened to me several times and I’d really like to understand HOW do you know what kind of name you have to add in that list and WHEN…
Is there a list of modules anywhere? Why is this not written in the documentation?
By the way thank you so much!

It is in the documentation.
[Docs for UNavigationSystemV1][1]
