Cannot compile plugin because of Windows SDK

When I made my plugin, I was getting no errors in Visual Studio 2019. And now I am receiving weird errors when I try to compile my plugin. I see that these warnings are from Windows SDK includes. Compiler was auto ran with -WarningsAsErrors (always has been) (To open or download image, drag on browser tabs. It will open preview or just download)

*unknown symbols are replaced with ‘?’
I reinstalled epic games and unreal engine, both of them are not working. Windows SDK i have installed is latest (20.1xxxxx.xx). It gives no compiling plugin. Even if I deleted binaries and rebuilded over and over, it always gives errors


when opened winioctl.h, 2079 errors and 1 warning appeared (identificator is unknown and sorry for russian text displayed there)

Compiled in UE 4.27.2. Please note that I am making my plugins, not stealing them from UE marketplace

Did you accidentally include the wrong header?

Had this case a few times, with auto-include headers from the IDE headers got included that have nothing to do with the code I’m writing which results in error messages on compile which sound very similar.

No, i didn’t. While I tested other plugins, they are worked fine. Except my EmailPlugin

The reason of this happening is for iostream includes
IOStream is relative for winioctl.h, which will cause more errors to appear