Cannot compile c++ on a new project UE 5.1.1

I’m trying to create a new c++ project with the FPS template, but when opening visual studio and trying to build the project im getting this list of errors. I just created it and didn’t modified anything yet.

I’m using VS 2022 17.7.5

Does anyone know what should i do in order to get a successful build?

Those 14 errors are all visual studio IntelliSense Errors (Error start with an E) and can be ignored. Use the dropdown Build - IntelliSense and set it to Build only.

The Source code for making a build only worry about Errors with the Error code C which is a Compile Error or LNK which is a Linker Error.

The actual Error you have is shown in the output log (MSB errors are MSBuild Errors which is the tool that executes all the steps necessary to produce a new build )
You probably have the Editor running in the background so close it and build again.

Yep, that worked perfectly, thank you so much. I Just deleted the intermediate, binaries, etc. Opened just the visual studio without opening the editor and had a successful build.

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