Cannot call UnrealScript warning

So yeah i accidentally made a macro that results in infinite script recursion but then this appeared in log. Seems a bit weird since UE4 removed UnrealScript. :slight_smile:

Hey ryanjon2040,

Does this occur in a clean, blank project with no additional content or is it limited to a specific project? Additionally, what was in the macro?

Hi ,

Here i made a project for you to debug. :slight_smile:

1: Extract the package

2: Open the project

3: Go to Window → Developer Tools and open Output Log

4: Press play and look at Output Log.

NOTE: Blueprint Break on Exceptions
must be enabled. I have included the
Saved folder with just that option
enabled so you can open the project
straight away and debug. But in case
if you are removing Saved folder,
please enable Blueprint Break on
Exceptions in Experimental section.

Download Project

Awesome…Thanks mate. :slight_smile:

Hi ryanjon2040,

I was able to reproduce this on my end and have entered a bug report, UE-20022 to be assessed by the development staff.