Executing task in folder QuickAnim: Engine\Build\BatchFiles\Build.bat QuickAnim Win64 Development “e:\Unreal Projects\QuickAnim\QuickAnim.uproject” -waitmutex <
[ERROR:parse_cmd.bat] Invalid command line argument: '/d'. Argument will be ignored.
[ERROR:parse_cmd.bat] Invalid command line argument: '/c'. Argument will be ignored.
[ERROR:parse_cmd.bat] Invalid command line argument: 'Engine\Build\BatchFiles\Build.bat'. Argument will be ignored.
[ERROR:parse_cmd.bat] Invalid command line argument: 'QuickAnim'. Argument will be ignored.
[ERROR:parse_cmd.bat] Invalid command line argument: 'Win64'. Argument will be ignored.
[ERROR:parse_cmd.bat] Invalid command line argument: 'Development'. Argument will be ignored.
The syntax of the command is incorrect.
I get this error everytime. This wont normally be a problem but sometimes the engine does not load the latest changes to my code (Even after compiling serveral times) so i often need to delete the binaries manually before building. It is tedious work