I want to create an edge loop to add an edge around the mirror point of this mesh I made using the CubeGrid feature of Modelling Mode:
This model was created by Pulling a large block, and then pushing down on the innermost top faces to create a sort of bucket shape.
It has optimal topology, using two operations to create (Comprised of 14 Polgyons/28 Tris)
I want to add the edge loop running down the mirror line of the mesh, as I’d expect to be able to do using a standard modelling package (Faces I want to add edge to are highlighted below:
But the places I can put edges don’t seem to make sense, given where Tri editing mode believes the triangles are. below:
Strangely, if I use Poly editing mode to create the inset and interior from the initial block, it works as I’d hope. But I have found it more convenient to use the Pull and Push operations in CubeGrid.
Is there something I can do to make this work? Is it a workflow problem and I just need to do things differently? Or is it a quirk of the system and there’s something I need to do to my mesh to make poly mode respect the Quads the meshs hould have?
Thanks in advance!