In my Actor subclass ATrack, I have a method that takes in a TSubclassOf<UPiece> called NextPiece. UPiece is derived from StaticMeshComponent.
Here’s my code:
void ATrack::ArrangeNextPiece(TSubclassOf<class UPiece> NextPiece)
auto CurrentPiece = NextPiece;
FString CurrentPieceName = CurrentPiece->GetName();
UE_LOG(LogTemp, Warning, TEXT("CurrentPieceName: %s"), *CurrentPieceName)
UPiece* MyTrackPiece = NewObject<UPiece>(CurrentPiece)
UE_LOG(LogTemp, Warning, TEXT("MyTrackPiece: %s"), *MyTrackPiece->GetName());
// MyTrackPiece->SetWorldLocationAndRotation(NextPieceLocation, NextPieceRotation, false);
This runs fine and logs out this:
But the piece does not appear in the hierarchy, and if I uncomment the SetWorldLocationAndRotation() method, it hard-crashes.
If I change the NewObject line to this…
UPiece* MyTrackPiece = NewObject<UPiece>(this, CurrentPiece)
…then it hard-crashes.
It seems that the piece will be created happily enough, but my ATrack actor refuses to accept a new component?