I’ve created a blueprint for generating a skeletal mesh component reference, adding it to an array and setting it in the game world. The meshes drop from an area, roll around and then continue falling. I set up a for each loop with the array storing the skeletal mesh component references that checks the Z world location and it if it’s below a certain value it sets a branch to true and destroys the component stored in the array.
What’s weird is everything in the game world works as I just described it, skeletal meshes generate and when they reach a certain Z location they disappear. However when I hit stop, the message log reports the following: 'Cannot access ‘SkeletalMeshComponent_29. It is pending kill’. Note the number is always different and it usually generates mult numbers for the error. When I set up a watch flag on the Skeletal Mesh Array I notice that nothing is removed from the array, even if the corresponding mesh disappears from the game world. Attached is my blueprint and message log. Thanks for any help.