Cannot Access Quixcel Mega Scans Library from Unreal Engine


When using the Fab Asset Browser from Unreal Engine I am always getting a “Oops Something Went Wrong” Message when I try to view the Mega Scans Library. Everything else in my account I’m able to access fine, but I only get the error message when trying to view the mega scans library

I am able to access the mega scans library when logged in to just fine. This only occurs on the Fab browser while in Unreal Engine

I have tried logging in and out a few times and I still get this issue

What type of bug are you experiencing?


Steps to Reproduce

Launch Fab asset browser in Unreal
Navigate to my library
Select Quixcel Mega Scan Library

Expected Result

To browse the Quixcel Mega Scan Library

Observed Result

“Oops Something Went Wrong” Error Message


Fab Asset Browser on Unreal Engine

Operating System


Having the same issue.

i’m experiencing the same issue.

When I open bridge via unreal it keeps asking me if I wanna get unlimited acsees I say yes he says succesful but when I go 3d assets in every assets says subscribe when I close bridge and open again it asks again if I wanna get unlimted bridge I say sey he says succseful but still not working u guys know anything about that? sory for bad eng