Cannot access "MyMethuman" in quixel bridge

Hello all,

i am facing issues accessing the “MyMetahumans” in the Quixel bridge in UE 5.3.

While i was able to download and use few of my characters previously, suddenly the “MyMetahuman” section has gone blank.

when i visited the Meta human character creator site it gives me an error on the same and i have attached the screenshot below.

Would be great if someone can help me understand why this is happening and what can i do to solve this.

Just for clarity, i logged in from another account and created a Meta Human, and followed the same steps and it seems to work, only me specific account is showing an error. since a day.

Thanks in advance!

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I’m having the same problem. I’m trying to figure out if its their server or some kind of bug. tried reinstalling and no luck

Same here! It was working yesterday morning but towards the evening the launcher/Quixel wouldn’t give me access to my meta humans.