Cancelled my subscription. I can't download anymore?

A month ago I subscribed and payed 20$ for the Unreal Engine 4. I used it for a month and everything worked great.

At Saturday I cancelled my subscription and I could still use it and download it from the website.

Today I had to reinstall Windows, and now I did want to download and install it again (I can do that right? I can install it still but not the newest version, right?) but I can’t download it from the website.

The day after I cancelled the subscription, the website showed as my status “cancelled” (or something like that) but now it doesn’t say anything. (Well it says that I should subscribe…)

I hope someone can help me.

I sent an email :smiley:

Hi ,

It would be best to direct this question to our department at Thank you!

Please let us know if this doesn’t get resolved. You should have the ability to download previous versions you paid for.

I still can’t download it from the website when I login.
But they sent me an email with the direct links to the Windows and Mac Installer and everything works just fine.

I will probably subscribe again in a few months, I guess than everything will work again. But for now, I’m good.

Thanks for your comment though!

Hi ,

We are happy to hear you are able to get access to the editor once more. Please let us know if you need further assistance!