Can you use seqencer to trigger events

So if I put a trigger volume in the level get a on component over lap event then get reference to level sequencer I can play it play when the trigger is hit. If so may I see a screen shot or video to see how its done thanks


I was just wondering can sequencer trigger events yet. Like opening and closing doors yet.

Hi there,

yes, you can add Event Tracks.

Other than Timelines you can specify the Event Name for each Key.
And the appropriate CustomEvents need to be in the LevelBluerpint (I put the Sequencer-Events into a seperate graph there.)

Hope that helps :slight_smile: Marooney

I did this within the LevelBlueprint. You will need to do this wherever it fits for you.

Happy sequencing :slight_smile:

thank you for the screen shot

Happy to help :slight_smile:

Here a description how to set up the Sequencer-Events, if you need. This should answer pretty everything, so you should be good to go:

Please make sure to mark this question as [RESOLVED] for everyone, by accepting the answer, if you don’t need anything else :slight_smile:

Happy sequencing, Marooney