Hello, in blueprints it’s rather not possible. But in C++ you can use Property Metadata specifiers, EditCondition one could be useful in your case (I think it will not hide, but at least disable the ones that you don’t need).
Full doc about specifiers: Property Specifiers | Unreal Engine Documentation
Yes, but unfortunately only in C++. Blueprints are not very “adjustable” they have what they have and everything else is in C++. Everything that you can do with a variable is in DetailsPanel when you select this variable.
This is generally a little bit related to what a variable is. An enum is not a dropdown menu, of course you can choose it’s default value from dropdown menu, but it’s just a container for a value of enum type. Variables are rather containers for data that a class (blueprint) needs. They are rather not settings for the class structure itself.
Hopefully you can get the sense of what I wanted to say Blueprints are just a visualisation of C++ classes, so still you need to have some knowledge of how C++ works, it will help to understand Blueprints better.