Hello, I have been curious if verse could help me with triggering an event when the players in my island perform certain actions like, pulling the pickaxe out, switch weapon or jumping etc. I just want to know if that is possible through verse…
For example, I wanna grant an weapon when a player moves left or trigger some action when the player jumps or give players health when they emote etc.
If you use unreal engine itself, that should be easy. Usually you place a hollow box, which would be the trigger zone. When a player walks in, you could have a ‘begin overlap event’ trigger. This could be linked to a following action. But I haven’t looked into the code of UENF yet, so it may very well offer a simplified version.
I like to tell myself that everything people have made in other games is possible, plus a whole lot extra. Sorry that I can not give you clarification on the following steps yet, but good luck - you can do it!