Here is a link to the mesh
I downloaded and converted to fbx via Autodesk. I imported it into UE4, after that I am lost.
I just want this character to kneel down and weld for 5 seconds just for a opening scene.
Can I convert this to a skeletal mesh or add sockets at the joints to get this look. He does not even need
to walk or jump, just a kneeling down working pose. Any info will help. Thank you in advance
Hello 8bit.
Did you rig the character and make an animation?
I found this link, but in the comments section on the page link you can see other people are in the same boat with me “lost” check it out Animation and Rigging Toolkit in UE4 - Unreal Engine
Do I need to download Autodesk Maya, if so where is this link… Or is it already in UE4 somewhere? Thanks
I guess Build/Rig my character with this software then import to UE4
Is this the route to go? Thank in advance!
You should learn a 3D program and after that use Unreal Engine if you want to make whole games. You can use Maya or 3ds max or one of the manny other softwares around there. A free software that is being a used a lot is Blender but I’m more an 3ds max person. Just choose a 3d modelling program and start learning that.
Thank you for the advice and replies you write. They are very helpful.