Can you set the Engine Scalability values (Low/Medium/High/Epic) during runtime w/ console command?

Sending out a test build to folks with varying levels of computer power and want to give some options for adjusting these values in order to improve their perf.




here you can find a got starting point for it. All of those values are changeable during runtime. I use it also for my graphics settings.

Kind regards


Yeah…I was looking at that page, but was hoping for a more user friendly console command that worked like the Low/Medium/High/Epic buttons.

Because of searching for a solution for this issue i came across here.
So while i built my own Graphics Menu i wanted to leave the solution here for other searchers…


thank you very much for the info.
Where can we find the Console Commands to control the Scalability Settings the parameters shown in the image below?



I know is a bit late but here are the settings:

Yep. This works. This is an undocumented console command that can’t be found anywhere other than the source code. I looked it up yesterday and found it in the source code together with a bunch of other undocumented commands:

But you don’t really need to do it, there is GameUserSettings->SetOverallScalabilityLevel and it’s available in blueprints, too. Which is doing just that.

It’s sg.ResolutionQuality 76. You can find any of them by typing sg. into the console and seeing what pops up.

This article doesn’t answer his question, it’s not useful for his question and the problem at hand. It actually has very limited use, since it doesn’t tell us many things. For example, it doesn’t tell us how to set the sg.ResolutionQuality levels at different scalability settings: low/medium/high/epic. I had to dig into the source code yesterday to find that out. It’s controlled by the variable and to override it you have to add it to DefaultEngine.ini:

; This is the screen percentage for the resolution quality, corresponding to 25% pixels, 50% pixels, 75% pixels, and 100% pixels
PerfIndexValues_ResolutionQuality="25 50 75 100 100"