As simple as question asks…how do I rotate an actor on a timeline ?
Create a float track and set keys with rotation values you want. In update output of your timeline just set actors rotation to output of your float track. Have some event call play on timeline.
If you need more info on timelines check out doc:
As…I didn’t think to just set Set actor Location node after timeline instead of Set Actor Location…brilliant. thank you,.
I honestly have looked over that but cannot get a simple actor o rotate in it’s initial location. It rotates as I tell it too…but it’s set facing a different direction… only thing same is pivot point…Is there a certain way it need hooked up to Set Actor Rotation Node?
It is possible to rotate object via timeline. I use it for rotating windmills’ blade. Timeline i used here have float track ( you can use vector track if you need rotation in every possible way), with:
first value being time = 0, value = 0.
second value is : time = 10, value = 360.
So it will rotate for 360 degrees for 10 seconds. that means it will rotate 36 degrees every second and i set it to loop contantly inside timeline.
Edit: P.S. I do have make Vector and then Break Vector. You can delete both and connect windmill spin direct to Make rots’ Roll.
Edit 2: P.P.S. Timeline execution node starts from event tick, that means it will constantly execute evry node connected, every tick. That way i ensured that my “animation” will keep going as long as game is running,
Ok thank you. I’ll give this a shot. I just needed a shining ax…but once I press play ax is imedietely set in wrong location AND rotation.
Something must be moving your axe on play. Would you mind posting an image of your EventGraph for your axe Blueprint? Thanks!
Could you possibly explain exactly what pic up above is doing? Using that way I’m getting close. It almost works. But could someone explain what is actually happening to make that work way it does??
wmbuRn created a Timeline with a Float track that runs from 0 to 360 over 10 seconds. When Timeline plays, it increases value from that Float track each tick. output (in this case Windmill Spin) is linked to Z value of a Make Rot node (Make Rotation), essentially creating a new Rotation value. This value is then passed to Set Actor Rotation, which references Windmill. So every tick of Timeline, a new Rotation is given to Windmill blades, presumably.
As long as pivot point is in correct position on mesh you want to rotate, this basic idea should work for you. It sounds like you want something that will swing back and forth consistently, like Poe’s Pendulum, so you’ll need to make some adjustments.
I’ve got it working correctly now that I understand how it works. thanks guys!!