Can you reduce the enemy's speed of movement for a certain period of time?

Don’t know if you mean reduce the general speed or the walk(or run) speed.
If you need to reduce the walk speed you can access to the movement component of the character and change the Max Walk Speed, everytime you need.

Hi. I’m making a shooting defense game with VR to study Unreal. But there’s one problem I can’t solve. I’m trying to implement the magic of lowering the enemy’s speed of movement for a certain period of time, but I don’t know what to do. I don’t think I know how to use the timer yet. Can you tell me how to do it?

I used AI to make it approach to the player. So I think it’s right to try to walk speed down. I set the basic walking speed to 200, and I want to make it change back to 200 after walking at 150 for 5 seconds using a trigger event. And I want this event to happen every time I press the trigger, not just once.

Awesome. Great. Cool…! The answer was this. Golden Answer!!! Thank you,sir

I’m trying to implement the magic of
lowering the enemy’s speed of movement
for a certain period of time, but I
don’t know what to do.

I really like using Actor Components for this but they get somewhat involved rather quickly. See if this approach would work for you. This script could sit in the Enemy blueprint (we assume it’s a character that walks and has a Movement Component):

  • store the original speed so we can restore it later
  • the SlowDown custom event starts a Timer and reduces the speed
  • once the time is up, we restore the speed to the original value

And you would call it like so on the target:


Good luck!