Can you recommend any tutorials for making an Elder Scrolls style RPG in UE5?

Specifically I want to make one mechanically similar to oblivion (being able to cast with your hands full, the more in depth equipment system, the spell effects are enchantments and spell crafting etc), or at least I’m looking to make a proof of concept demo that takes place in a single city that I’m going to model out, I’ve tried searching around for tutorials but the best I can find is basically recreating assassins creed origins which isn’t the same general idea as what I’m going for, I don’t want it to be 3rd person exclusive and while I want to add dodging I want it to be more like a backstep/sidestep so it flows better in first person combat. Obviously the tutorial doesn’t need to be a 1:1 but something that goes over the concepts that I can then learn and adapt to the type of RPG I’m going for. I could find a million and one unity tutorials about this but, I’m not interested in unity I want to use unreal, yet the list of resources for this seem incredibly sparse and dry… or at least they don’t come up in google searches.
Any examples would be great, much appreciated.