Can you point me to the documentation

I have a number of these from my game output log that I can’t find any info on how to fix
Any help please

AssetCheck: Error: [AssetLog]

Greetings @Congellous

I’d be happy to take a look into what may be causing your errors. I’ll need a bit more information to get started. Could you provide the error log from when this is occurring? Thanks!

Great thanks for having a look

So when I go to package the project this is the filtered errors

AssetCheck: Error: [AssetLog] D:\Documents\TEMPARCHITCTURE\Beauty Apartment Design 23-UE5\BeautyApartment Design23_UE5\Content\Interior.umap: Soft references /Temp/Untitled_2 which does not exist. (AssetValidator_AssetReferenceRestrictions)
AssetCheck: Error: [AssetLog] D:\Documents\TEMPARCHITCTURE\Beauty Apartment Design 23-UE5\BeautyApartment Design23_UE5\Content\room1.umap: Soft references /Temp/Untitled_2 which does not exist. (AssetValidator_AssetReferenceRestrictions)
AssetCheck: Error: [AssetLog] D:\Documents\TEMPARCHITCTURE\Beauty Apartment Design 23-UE5\BeautyApartment Design23_UE5\Content\room.umap: Soft references /Temp/Untitled_2 which does not exist. (AssetValidator_AssetReferenceRestrictions)
AssetCheck: Error: [AssetLog] D:\Documents\TEMPARCHITCTURE\Beauty Apartment Design 23-UE5\BeautyApartment Design23_UE5\Content\Untitled2.umap: Soft references /Temp/Untitled_2 which does not exist. (AssetValidator_AssetReferenceRestrictions)
PackagingResults: Error: D:\Documents\TEMPARCHITCTURE\Beauty Apartment Design 23-UE5\BeautyApartment Design23_UE5\BAD23.uproject does not look like uproject file but no targets have been found!
PackagingResults: Error: Unknown Error