What is the size of the landscape?
I created a landscape and it works perfectly at the start, i can move around, jump etc. But if I move the player start to a corner of the landscape it just gives me a blank screen, no landscape, just clouds and sun. Does ue4 only let you start at the center of the landscape? It would be nice to be able to have the player start an an edge or corner of the map.
I am a beginner at UE4, so if I am not providing enough information for this problem, then please just tell me.
Here is a screenshot that shows the position of player start, at the bottom right corner of the landscape, and the second screenshot shows what happens when I click play.
Hi Tiger101,
Also, what game mode are you testing this on? And have you tried testing this in another level or project?
its 8161x8161
I started this on the c++ first person shooter template. I have not changed the game mode, so it should be on the default game mode that the template is set as.
I have tested this on two other projects as I thought it might have been an error in project creation, but all three times it has done this.
Hi Tiger101,
You are potentially out of the playable area, outside the world bounds. If you go into the World Settings panel you can select the option “Enable World Bounds Checks” and uncheck this. This will allow you to play outside the world bounds.
This will work for a lot of projects, but I could not get it to do so in the C++ ShooterGame example. There is probably something in code that is limiting the playable area and holding to the world bounds.
Thank you!
thank you, It now works for me. the only worry is that by having that unchecked would it interfere with other settings since the player would be playing outside of the world bounds? why could one create a landscape thats 8161x8161 yet the world bounds is smaller than that? It seems that it defeats the purpose of being able to create such a large landscape
I’m not sure the exact answer on that one but I would imagine that most game levels are designed not to be so large. When testing on the shooter game and having the character run I ran for 5 minutes towards one edge without even getting close.
I’m not that it will affect any other settings since the check is now turned off. The Unreal Engine 4 is a powerful piece of software and can create these endless worlds now. You can try some simple tests and see if it affects your settings in that area you believe it may cause issue. If you have an issue feel free to post here and I’ll take a look to help you out.
Thank you!