I am working on converting a pure Blueprint project over to C++ just for learning purposes and gaining engine familiarity, and have run up against something I can’t easily solve.
The blueprint I’m stuck on uses a timeline in the following manner:
This timeline is called as part of another function in the Event Graph of the blueprint.
I’ve done a basic example of a timeline in C++ before, but when attempting this one I quickly realized that there seems to be no apparent way to bind one of the output tracks of the timeline to a specific argument of a multiple-argument function. Basically, there are three curves that all return different values, and the output from each curve needs to be fed to CalculateTransform simultaneously but as a different argument as the timeline runs. Exactly how the image shows.
But every example I’ve found online uses the following syntax:
FOnTimelineFloat curveRightUpdate;
curveRightUpdate.BindUFunction(this, FName("CalculateTransform"));
And the problem with this is that BindUFunction takes no arguments other than a function name.
I have tried a few different things, but none of them seem to work or be the right way to approach this. I can give more details if anyone replies and has questions, but for now for the sake of brevity: Does anyone know how you’d recreate what’s in the image in code? Or at least know how to point me in the right direction, or put me in contact with someone who might know?