Can you manually adjust the location of Collision Handling Override?

My level is randomly generated and all my enemies are spawned in at random locations so to ensure all my enemies spawn I have the SpawnActors node set to ‘Try to adjust location, But Always Spawn’.
The problem is that its location “adjustments” are terrible. It seems to adjust only the Z axis and my guys spawn on top of buildings ten meters up when they could have just spawned half a meter the the left.
Is there any way for me to manually adjust the location or perhaps alter the default code so its “adjustments” are better?

Hi Lowenfas,

Good question, I’m not aware of any easy way to make adjustments to that spawn logic.

I found a thread with what I think could be a good solution. General idea being certain probes/checks in the x/y plane that ‘walk out’ until a suitable location is found.

Hope that helps!


That solution is way more complicated than I was hoping for, but it is the exact solution for my problem. Thanks pal.

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Actually that solution was not complicated at all and works pretty darn well.

Hi again Lowenfas,

That’s great to hear, just an idea - but that system might make a good snippet. (No Pressure!)
