If you add an object to the user library you cannot have duplicate names on the file to an existing texture. This is due to the way Twinmotion compresses textures on re-import without a directory to access file naming etc. on Windows Explorer. It would be great to have this resolved if there is a texture with the same name as another, different texture.
It took me 8+ hours of troubleshooting to resolve this, and I find many Twinmotion issues are not resolved with progressive iterations of the software. Updates tend to focus on new releases where old issues (which I admit may be more difficult to resolve) build up.
Ideally, we need a purge corrupting items feature, where undeletable objects become deletable and corrupted aspects are resolved or deleted.
I just want to make sure I understand this issue correctly, so would you be able to provide an example and a step-by-step guide of how to try and reproduce this issue?
Right now, there is work being done to improve texture compression and address some issues for our 2022.2 update, but I'm not sure if these will be covering your exact issue, so some extra clarification can help me make sure we're proceeding accordingly.
The other concern I have is with corrupt files which cannot be purged. There are a series of duplicate video clips which cannot be deleted in my video section. This increases file size and creates more crash opportunities.
I've shared those reproduction steps with our engineering team so they can see whether this issue might already fall under the scope of ongoing improvements, and if not we'll investigate this accordingly. If they require anything else, I will let you know.
As for the corrupted videos, I haven't encountered an issue like this before with media that can't be deleted. Are you able to share a copy of your Twinmotion file with the video clips in question? If so, please submit a bug report referncing this discussion post with the file for the support team to investigate. When sending your file, be sure to use the Resource Collector in the Edit menu of Twinmotion to package all your project's contents.