Can you help me pick my item multiple time ?

Hi, i’m trying to set a blueprint for an item that i can pick (using a key that enable when i overlap the item) and then throw it away later (so it reapears where i let go of it using the same key). I managed to do that. it worked perfectly!

Then i added physics so the item doesn’t stay in the air if i threw it while jumping. But it broke the attach mechanism wich allowed the item to follow the player when it has been picked ( being invisible). I fixed that by applying phisics only when i let go of the item and stop the physics when it touches the ground.
Once again it worked!

But here’s my problem : now if i wan’t to go back to the item i threw away and pick it up one more time it doesn’t work anymore… (this was totally possible before i added this physic mecanism)
i printed some strings and the ovelap event is still working wich enable the key wich work as well so i don’t know why it won’t attach anymore since physics is off again.

Also after tring picking it back if i press the key a second time, it does the impulse i gave it when letting go of the item. (same for visibility hide that still work too) So only the attach mechnism is broke. It looks like it considers physics is still enable when it’s not i think.

I’m totally new to unreal (and to game dev too) this is my firt attemp at making a game (i know i should start by doing simpler things but i like to suffer) So i hope this blueprint isn’t totally lame. Tell me if there is a simpler way to do the same. But keep in mind that i will need to duplicate this to several items and also let NPC pick them up to.

If you are using simulated physics, please ensure that the component utilizing simulated physics is the root component or that the root component supports simulated physics. Otherwise, the attachment relationship of the component may change due to this (you can run it in the editor and check if there are any errors in the component relationship of the Item in the World Outliner panel. If there are errors, this issue is most likely the cause).

Thanks, can you tell me how to do that ? i do not find any “support physics” or “simulate physics” on the detail of the root component. There’s only a “should update physics volume” but that doesn’t seems to help.

Components that support physical simulation must be those with physical entities, such as static meshes and skeletal meshes, rather than scene components.

i simply deleted the rootscene component and now this is working fine. I don’t know if this is what you were suggesting

Yes, if your root component is a scene component, turning on simulate physics is problematic, and you need to replace the root component that supports simulate physics

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