Can you give me some ideas?

So I’m planning to start working on a game. In this game, (It’s an online game) when you start out, you have the option to make a gang or join an existing gang, once you make a new gang, you’ll name your gang, pick a gang color and join the gang.(Notice: Gangs are long-term, they are not there for you to play on one server). Once in a gang, you must work togehter to claim territories,(Territories will be scattered around the city) if a territory you and your gang want is already occupied by another gang, you and your gang must take it by force, and while fighting for that territory you’ll have to burn down the other gang’s flag. As the defensive gang, it’s your job to help your gang keep the territory by defending the flag. If the flag shall catch fire then you must put it out before it burns. The only ways to win as the denfensive gang is if you kill the offensive gang or if the offensive gang stops attacking. If your flag does burn, you have to stop the other gang from putting their flag on the territory. If they put their flag on the territory then that territory is theirs to keep(You can store any items or money you have in your gang’s depository, or you can put your items or money in your own depository which will be located in your gang’s territory.) SO, if you do lose your territory… yup! You and your gang lose all the stuff that was in your gang’s depository, you lose the stuff that was in your depository, and if you died in battle, you lose all the stuff that you had on you. So if your gang isn’t in the shape to fight, just give up your territory. So can you give me ideas on this game? Thiese are the ideas I already have: Capturing people, Executions, Drug deals, Security, Parkour, Character Customization, Vents in the buildings(Used by other gangs to be stealthy), Stealth, Cars(Obviously),Placing captives in cars, Pushing captives(For throwing them into walls, throwing them off buildings, throwing them into the ocean, it’ll be phyics based, if a captive is thown into the walls they won’t through it and if throw off of a structure, they won’t float in the air, and if thrown into water they won’t become Jesus and walk on the water. Off Topic: In real life my name is Devin, so instead of calling my self a game dev, I call myself a GameDevin… ha.